Movement Screening

Find Out How You Move 

Set up a range of motion evaluation in Duluth, MN

One thing that’s certain is that everybody moves differently. Some people are more susceptible to injury than others. Instead of waiting for an injury to occur to identify your running deficiencies, you should take advantage of the movement screening services provided at Superior Running Medicine in Duluth, MN. We can put you through a series of exercises that will allow us to evaluate your range of motion, strength and stability.

A single range of motion evaluation can identify points of vulnerability and appropriate corrective actions. With that in mind, you’ll be able to take the best care of your body while running.

Suit up and get ready to move

During your range of motion evaluation, our experts will be striving to gain a complete picture of your movements. We’ll kindly ask you to perform some, if not all, of the following exercises:

  • Deep squats
  • Hurdle steps
  • In-line lunges
  • Shoulder mobility exercises
  • Active straight-leg raises
  • Trunk stability push-ups
  • Rotary stability exercises

Call today to learn more about our movement screening services and schedule your evaluation. We’ll be happy to answer any questions.

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